When Alissa Bertrand, better known as Jabella Fleur approached us to ask if she could use some of our bedding to create bespoke pieces for her daughters, we leapt at the chance. We'd started following each other on instagram after Alissa had been one of the Junior Design Award judges, scoring our award winning Space Above the Ground collection. The designer searches for vintage fabrics, including table clothes and curtains and transforms them into exquisite, one of a kind pieces. There's a wonderful 70s vibe and Gucci maximalist feel to her pieces and they are brought to life by her three children. The girls and her work were recently featured in Vogue and are receiving the attention they rightfully deserve. The stars felt aligned because like Forivor, her creations are about transformation and sustainability. Increasingly we feel these two themes are so closely connected and will go in hand in hand for business and individuals working towards a greener future.
Using our organic large muslins, Alissa created a Legends of the Sea coat (which we really want), a Space Above the Ground muslin dress with volumised sleeves that dreams are made of and our Enchanted Forest muslin was reimagined as a two-piece outfit, reminiscent of vaudeville and a bygone time.
Seeing our signature designs, which we know so well and see everyday, cut and put back together in different sequences was amazing. In a strange way it helps you to really appreciate what you've created, as you see all the details differently and the Forivor story we created has new life in some sort of beautiful sequel. I feel inspired to go through my vintage fabrics I've picked up at car boots and french brocante markets and try to create something new. They make me happy when I spot them in a draw but I think they'll bring me even greater joy transformed into something new.