In the third of our 'Forivor At Home' series, we meet Jody Farthing who lives with her family in Somerset. Jody has been a Forivor customer since finding us five years ago when looking for bedding for her eldest son.
In our second 'Forivor at Home' series we meet Larissa, long-term friend of Rebecca's, mum to Skye and Eden and founder of adventure travel company Another World Adventures amongst many other things!
Hot water bottles have always been the perfect way to keep warm and reduce heating costs but perhaps never as needed as this winter. As we all try and rein in our heating costs, we are delighted to bring you beautiful quilted hot water bottle covers to keep your children (and you!) cosy and kee...
From the 2nd November to the 1st December if you spend over £120, you'll automatically be entered into our draw to win a Forivor duvet set of your choice (RRP up to £179), a beautiful Sycamore necklace from jeweller Tabitha Lynch (£110) and a one of a kind creation from artist Alice Mary Lynch...
The first in our series of interviews getting to know some of the customers who have been using our Forivor blankets over the years.
The joy of fresh bedding and why we love our duvet sets so much